Earth Remote Sensing Data (RSD)​​​​​ analysis for all geospatial tasks performed by our experts as soon as possible and with maximum information content at the finish. This is possible through impressive practice which formed an unsurpassed experience and using the world's leading methodologies in this area.
Interpretation of satellite imagery is one of the primary tasks in the quick assessment of the prospects of the territory in all aspects that are available in the interpretation by images of the spacecraft cameras in different spectrum ranges and spatial resolution.
The main task in the interpretation of satellite images is the mapping of the lineaments. In the absence of anthropogenic factors in the study area, the lineaments decoded by space imagery are most often associated with faults of the earth's crust. The most informative for mapping lineaments are multispectral satellite images of medium resolution (more than 10 m). They present the maximum possible number of channels (7 and above).
Also, the task of interpretation is the reconnaissance of the terrain before beginning field research. This saves time by optimizing the planned route and network testing. Informative in solving this problem are space images of high and ultra-high resolution.
In addition, the interpretation of satellite imagery of high and ultra-high resolution allows identifying the natural rock outcrops on the modern surface. This helps to maximize the efficiency of the implementation of field research due to the localization of observation points in a subject area.